Innovation Hour

12/8/14- Today I add a strange weird passage here it is "So I was the youngest for now. The knew I wouldn’t be able to fight with them I was to young but they knew how strong I could be so they made a potion and put it in my food that night when I eat the food I turned into an adult I was now 23 the oldest but also the the strongest out of all them."  It's a little strange but I wanted to add a random seen to make him older because  didn't like the age I made him at the beginning and I couldn't just change it because it would seem weird for a grown many to play with a little bow and arrow. Made from plastic.

12/1/14- Right now the boy and dog has started a new life as twins in a castle and One of them has been stolen and the king sends a search team out. But the boy learns more things than ever and join a team of warrior's. To fight against a king but he finds out the kings was his dad. He doesn't know what to do any more.

Does it matter if I can't decided what to right about I changed my book a third time today but I'm sticking to it. I love this Idea so far I'm 992 words or so. It's turning out really good.It's about a little boy growing up with just a dog because he lost his parents and it's one of the last things he has of them. But it's turning out very very well.

I am writing a novel for Innovation hour. I like the mystery I added into my novel You are completely lost one what is happening. Until you get to a certain part in the story you find out what has happened. I wonder If I could be more descriptive on the character's and their characteristics. The story is come out nice I will put a copy of the book on the site after it's done publishing, but it's turning out great.

It’s hard to believe what has happened all because of me. I’m just a little boy I didn’t mean this to happen. If only I knew then what I know now. It wasn’t always like this until hat on moment. I’ve always lived by the pond in the forest with my family we had a farm with goats and cows. We also grew corn but my favorite thing was the pond. That pond was like a key or sign to a wonderful life, I would always look in their and see the different type of fish in their. I named every fish. I named the bluegill Clyde, the puffer fish Susan, The goldfish lucky, and my favorite is the tuna fish it was small and tiny. I’m the shortest in my family just like the tuna. I always got the short straw. That’s why I named the fish after me Fred Flinger.

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