My Goals

My Goals
last update- 1/10/14

Short Term Goals

1. get perfect grades in 7th grades because it hasn't been happening lately. Not really happening much this year to.  I got all a and b at the end of year.

2.  get my own dog because I love animals. I finally got a dog but I share him with my family. I found out it's not that bad to have a family dog.

Long Term Goals

1. get A good paying job in the future.

2.  became A cinematographer because I love making movies.

3.  have 2 kids in the future 1 boy 1 girl Because I all ready have 2 nephew's and 2 niece's. Also I've been an uncle for 6 years.

4.  get into Notre Dame college Because I love their school and I think they have a good schedule.

5.  become a good cook because I like cooking.

My Special Skill's

1.  making origami- my friends like it when I make them origami

2.  getting friends- I have many friends

3. tech- coding games

all my goals because I found the good of what I all ready have I don't have my own dog but I still have one. I alway's could have done better grade's I just had to want better grades.


  1. Great goals. Let me know when you achieve one so we can celebrate.
    You are the best.
